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Are Range Rovers Expensive to Maintain?


Range Rovers are often regarded as the epitome of luxury and style. It has transported royalty and celebrities for decades, and its popularity shows no signs of waning.  However, the characteristics that make Range Rovers so appealing — their stylish good looks, and luxurious features — also come with a hefty price tag. So, are Range Rovers expensive to maintain?

Yes, Range Rovers are expensive to maintain, and there’s no getting around it. However, that doesn’t mean owning one is out of reach for everyone.

Let’s look at some of the costs of owning one of these iconic vehicles.

The Costs of Owning a Range Rover

The purchase price is the first factor to consider when calculating the cost of owning a Range Rover. The Land Rover 2022 costs around $104,000, with the long-wheelbase model costing at least $117,000. In addition, the Range Rover Sport SE costs around $70,000.

man wearing gray polo shirt in front of Range Rover

Range Rovers are also notoriously expensive to insure. Insurance premiums for these vehicles are high due to the high repair costs and increased theft risk.

Of course, you don’t have to buy a new Range Rover to enjoy all the benefits of ownership. There are plenty of used models on the market, and you can often find a good deal if you’re willing to do some research.

But even if you buy a used Range Rover, you should be prepared to spend some money on maintenance and repairs. These vehicles are not known for their reliability, and owners are not uncommon to face hefty repair bills.

Are Range Rovers Expensive to Maintain?

Range Rovers are, indeed, expensive to maintain. There are several reasons why Range Rovers are so costly to maintain. Some of the reasons are;

Range Rover Repairing

The Cost of Parts and Repairs

Range Rovers are luxurious vehicles, and they are fitted with high-end parts and features. These parts are often costly to replace, and the labor costs can also be relatively high.

Additionally, the labor required to service a Range Rover is often more costly than it is for other vehicles. All of this can add up to some hefty repair bills.

Frequent Maintenance

Range Rovers require more frequent maintenance than most other vehicles. This is due to several factors, including the complex design of the engine and the need to regularly check and replace parts that are subject to wear and tear.

The Luxury Vehicle Factor

Luxury vehicles generally have higher maintenance costs than more affordable options because the parts and labor tend to be more expensive. Luxury vehicles often have more complex designs requiring specialized knowledge and skills.

Tips for Keeping Your Range Rover Running Smoothly

Range Rover Running on Road

Regular Maintenance is Key

Range Rovers need to be serviced more frequently than most other vehicles. Therefore, it’s essential to keep up with your regular service appointments.

It’s also a good idea to be proactive regarding maintenance and repairs. If something doesn’t seem right, don’t put it off getting it checked out. The earlier you identify a problem, the easier and less expensive it is to resolve.

Hire a Mechanic with Experience

When working on your Range Rover, you want to make sure you choose an experienced mechanic. These vehicles are complex, and not all mechanics will have the necessary experience and expertise to work on them appropriately.

Conduct Some Research

Research before you take your Range Rover in for service or repairs. This will help you better understand the problem and what needs to be done to fix it. Additionally, it will allow you to compare prices and find the best deal.

Get Repairs Done Right Away

As previously stated, it is critical to be proactive regarding maintenance and repairs. If you put off fixing the problem for too long, it will most likely become more expensive and difficult to repair.

Keep Your Range Rover in Good Condition

The best way to keep your Range Rover running is to take good care of it simply. Drive carefully, avoid off-road adventures, and keep it clean.

Range Rover Repair Costs and Common Issues

Range Rover owners encounter several common maintenance issues. These include;

Oil Leaks

Oil leaks are one of the most common problems Range Rover owners face. These leaks can be caused by several things, including worn seals and gaskets. Repairing an oil leak can be pretty expensive, and the cost will depend on the severity of the leak.

However, the cost of inspection ranges from $95 to $150 depending on the location, and that does not include parts and labor costs.

Brake Issues

Another common problem with Range Rovers is brake issues. These problems can be caused by several things, including worn pads and rotors. Brake repairs can be expensive, but getting them done as soon as possible is essential to avoid further damage.

The brake pads and rotors cost range from $1,015 to $1,315, while the inspection costs are between $80 and $100.

Transmission Problems

Transmission problems are another common issue with Range Rovers. These problems can be caused by several things, including leaks and worn parts. Transmission repairs can be expensive, but getting them done as soon as possible is essential to avoid further damage.

The cost of transmission repairs ranges from $1,800 to $3,400.

Suspension Issues

Suspension issues are another common problem with Range Rovers. These problems can be caused by several things, including worn shocks and struts. Suspension repairs can be expensive, but getting them done as soon as possible is essential to avoid further damage.

The cost of suspension repairs ranges from $1,785 to $1,849.

Engine Problems

Engine problems are another common issue with Range Rovers. These problems can be caused by several things, including leaks and worn parts. Engine repairs can be expensive, and the cost of engine repairs ranges from $13,000 to $16,000, depending on the severity of the problem.

Air Conditioning Problems

Air conditioning problems are another common issue with Range Rovers. These problems can be caused by several things, including leaks and worn parts. Air conditioning repairs can be expensive, and the cost of air conditioning repairs ranges from $1,045 to $1,466.

Gear Box Problems

Gearbox problems are another common issue with Range Rovers. These problems can be caused by several things, including leaks and worn parts. Gearbox repairs can be expensive, but getting them done as soon as possible is essential to avoid further damage.

The cost of gearbox repairs ranges from $2,294 to $2,369. These are just some of the most common problems that Range Rover owners face.


Are Range Rovers expensive to maintain? Yes, they are. However, there are several things you can do to keep your costs down.

The most important thing is to be proactive about maintenance and repairs. It will likely become more expensive if you wait too long to fix a problem.

Another way to keep your costs down is to take good care of your Range Rover. This means driving carefully and keeping it clean. If you do all these things, you can keep your Range Rover running smoothly for years.

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