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How To Prime A Grease Gun: An In-depth Guide

how to prime grease gun

The workshop has been a labour of love for weeks now. Worker morale is low, and the machinery could use good oiling and lubrication. You only need a little time off, a good grease gun, and a lot of oil to get the wheels and barrows moving like silk. However, how to prime grease gun?

Once you get a new grease gun, you’ll need to prime it to remove all of the air built up in the hose. In order for the piston to start pumping air, you may need to assist in pushing the grease up and out of the cartridge if grease is not already in the grease gun’s head.

We understand how intimidating it might be to use a grease gun for the first time or to troubleshoot equipment in the middle of a busy day. 

This blog will represent all details about priming a grease gun and how to prime an air grease gun to help alleviate some of your concerns. 

Preparing the grease gun before using it is critical, but we also provide a variety of tips and tactics to help you get the job done. So, let’s get this party started!

Definition: What Is Grease Gun?

Grease Gun

Before adding more grease, you must first prime the grease gun by applying it to a clean, dry, or empty cavity. For example, you might prime a new grease gun by putting fresh grease into the barrel and then squeezing the plunger a few times.

As a result, the grease will be more evenly distributed within the barrel, reducing the likelihood of any air pockets developing. 

If you are looking for the best quality grease gun in the recent market, you should buy these two following grease guns.

Both DEWALT 20V MAX Cordless Grease Gun & Milwaukee M18GG-0 M18 Grease Gun have excellent features. If you had a DeWalt gun, you need to prime a DeWalt grease gun. 

Prime a Milwaukee grease gun is more straightforward than DeWalt.

You’ll need to clean the grease gun before priming if it’s an old or unclean one. You will also see how to prime a manual grease gun in this context.


A grease gun is a standard tool in a workshop. However, how do you prime a grease gun to disperse oil to the items’ moving parts? 

The cannon retains the grease and then fires it to the lubrication areas. That might not be the case. Unfortunately, Grease hardening and clogging in the delivery chambers is not unusual. To do so, it has to be sprayed with lubricant. 

However, what exactly is priming? Do you know the advantages? Moreover, how can this be done, and how can it be done?

Grease that has been primed is less likely to stick to the gun’s internal delivery chambers because it has been smoothed and fluidized during the priming process. 

This is crucial to guarantee that grease is evenly distributed throughout a particular surface and that the component in question works appropriately.


For the following reasons, priming is necessary:


To guarantee that the grease is evenly dispersed throughout the target surface, priming is necessary. That, of course, results in more constant and smooth lubrication of the machine. 

The ultimate consequence is that the targeted portions can move uniquely. Some sections may rotate quicker or be out of place if this goal is not met.

Distribute the product smoothly and consistently:

When applying oil to moving parts, the grease must be delivered evenly and continuously. With only a smoother and more consistent character, can this be accomplished? You may achieve this goal once again through the process of priming.


When lubrication is inadequate, moving components are more likely to suffer early wear and tear. When grease is primed correctly, the problem may be avoided. Priming ensures that the oil gets into the minor cracks and crevices, allowing it to have a possible impact.

How To Prime Grease Gun?

Prime Grease Gun

Even whether you’ve just unboxed a brand new piece or your pistol has recently run out of oil, priming is vital. A lack of oil means that the hose is completely dry. This void causes gas and air bubbles to form.

No, I haven’t had it happen to me yet, but it’s something I’ve had to deal with many times in my career. 

It is necessary to prime the grease gun to ensure that the lubricant you inject will flow freely. You’ll be able to get just the proper amount of lubrication out of the tip, thanks to its fluidity.

Priming is essential for precise lubrication of nuts and bolts, whether you use a hand-powered, air-powered, or electric tool. Nevertheless, how do you properly prime a Grease Gun? Let’s find out the whole process below:

The game plan:

To properly maintain your shop’s machinery and your car’s appearance, you must become proficient in using an adequately primed grease gun now that you are aware of its significance. The cartridge must first be loaded.

Filling the tube:

Once you’ve taken your brand-new firearms out of the box or discovered that the cartridge is nearly empty, you know it’s time to get a new one. 

The door will open when the T-handle is pulled out until it clicks, signaling that the door has been opened.Remove the empty cartridge from the metal cylinder by unfastening the screws.

The opening side of the refill tube should face the nozzle when it is placed in the container. Remove the metal disc from the head, then replace the front portion with the new one. Congratulations! 

You’ve done an excellent job of filling the grease cannon with the much-needed oil.

Expelling the air with a twisting motion:

It’s time to drain the apparatus’s air to begin the priming procedure. To do this, you’ll need to spin and twist the barrel (the chamber in which the grease lies). 

Maintain rotation of the cylindrical body until the rod stops moving or strands of gooey sticky grease peep out of the nozzle.

De-airing your machine will be much easier with this device in place. However, there are many others out there. Let’s try whether the following treatment can assist you in getting the air out of your lungs if this one didn’t.

The charm of the air-bleeder:

When it comes to utilizing the pointed hose to clean out your joints and axles, new grease guns have been designed to address any customers’ issues. 

The air-removal technique is one of the methods. Guns with an air-elimination knob or air bleeder can assist remove any bubbles or gases from the weapon, making it easier to shoot.

Stop pumping when you notice the smooth and effusive paste flowing out of the pore on the side of the machine. This grease-voiding signifies that the gun is doing an excellent job of expelling air.

The valve may be screwed back in when you’ve finished polishing your machines for the day.

The power of pumping one’s fists in the air:

Your hands are the only tool you’ll need if all else fails. Use your hands to turn the T-handle. Pushing and pulling the greasing tool will assist remove any air bubbles that might interfere with its correct operation.

If the first technique doesn’t help you attain your goal, then go on to the next one and repeat the process. If there is still air in the barrel, you should consult a professional technician after all of your pressing, twisting, and spinning has failed to remove it.

We’ll go over a few nuggets to ensure you don’t miss any crucial points or information we may have skipped over.

Tips & Tricks For Priming A Grease Gun

The joy of lubricating the wheels and axles may be overshadowed by the fact that you must always be vigilant to get the best results and avoid any unexpected casualties.

To help you get the most out of the experience, here are a few pointers:

Pick a good product that fits your needs:

With so many manufacturers supplying greasing oils on the street, the product quality may range. While reading about the relevance of varied grease consistencies, we’d like to provide our insight: Different textures represent different working power levels.

If the flow is obstructed when priming thick, gooey materials, the procedure may take longer than intended; nonetheless, this should not be a cause for concern.

You should deal with a single product:

We advise you to stick with a single lubricant and use it for most of your job. In order to improve your consistency and lubrication while working, you should make this decision.

Don’t forget to do your regular checks:

Grease guns, which may be used to keep your other machinery in top shape, need their care and security. To ensure that your weapon lasts for a long time, it is essential to perform regular maintenance.

You should not attempt to fix anything if you are not qualified to do so, such as using malfunctioning equipment. This should be left to the professionals.

Keep yourself protected:

It is essential to take steps when you go out on your journey to repair the rusty and rough patches on your gear.

Keep accidents at bay by using the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). Safety goggles and rubber gloves are available for your protection, as well as protective clothes and boots.

Keeping the nozzle away from your face while using the T-handle or spinning the barrel can help you avoid the dangers of grease-gun injuries.

Take it slowly:

Make sure you have the right tools for the job before you start priming and lubricating. 

Use the proper grease cartridges and not mix up the replacement parts from other guns. Also, pay attention to the order in which the pieces go together.

Do not do anything that might endanger the safety of the workplace or the lives of your coworkers. 

How to Troubleshoot Your Grease Gun That Won’t Prime

Troubleshoot Grease Gun

There are several reasons why your grease gun may fail to Prime. There are, however, a few shortcuts that can save you time and effort.

If you haven’t removed the cap and metal tab from the grease gun, air will become trapped at the top of the cannon, making it impossible to Prime, and if the grease gun spring isn’t strong enough to force the gun grease out of the nozzle, it won’t prime at all.


What Is The Best Method For Priming A Grease Gun Operated With A Hand Pump?

When using a hand-pumped grease gun, ensure the lubricant is on the tip by pressing the pump multiple times.

How Do You Prime A Grease Gun That Uses Cartridges?

Applying pressure until it comes out of a cartridge-operated grease gun’s tip is how you prime a grease gun that uses cartridges for its operation.

How Do You Fill a Twin-Tube Grease Gun with Grease?

Assume that you are pushing down on the tube to prime a grease gun with two tubes. The grease will be forced to the tip of the nozzle thanks to the increased pressure created by this motion.

Do You Know How To Bleed A Grease Gun Consistently?

By leaving the air out of the rear end of a grease gun until it is finished, you can bleed it every time. Once you withdraw your thumb, grease will ooze out of the tip.

What Is The Best Way To Remove Airlocks?

If your grease gun becomes stuck in an airlock, the first thing you should do is remove all of the air from the rear end. The plunger will be able to travel freely as a result. Pumping the plunger might cause the air pocket to dissipate.


The texture and viscosity of your grease will tell you if it has been adequately prepped. Grease that has been appropriately primed will flow easily and continuously. 

In addition to hardening and clogging the gun’s moving parts, it also spreads unevenly across the surface it is intended to target.

How much power do I need for priming?

You’ll have to use some muscle force if you opt to accomplish the work manually. Most of these guns are equipped with springs and absorbers designed to reduce weight.


It would be best to stop using the device at the first sign of sticking or trouble to release the output.

As a result, you won’t have to worry about interruptions when trying to spread it across a surface.

Final Words

Prime a manual grease gun with the information provided here. Before utilizing your grease gun, you should always prime it. 

Applying pressure to the grease gun’s nozzle until the lubricant comes out of the tube is an easy way to achieve this. If you want to get the most out of your grease tool, you must keep it clean and lubricated.

Nonetheless, this is only a broad overview and does not cover all scenarios. Refer to the user handbook that comes with your grease gun for more information.

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